Barcelona Microeconometrics Summer-school

here the direct announcement:

Dear friends,
I’m glad to announce you the 1st forthcoming BARCELONA MICROECONOMETRICS SUMMER SCHOOL (BMiSS) to be held in Barcelona next 30 June-11 July. The school offers four 10 to 15 hours (including practical sessions) courses: Linear Panel Data Modes, Discrete Choice models; Causal Inference and Program Evaluation, and, Dynamic Panel Data models. The courses are intended for a very broad audience including Graduate students, practicioners, researchers, and consultants. Faculty includes invited professors Badi Baltagi (University of Siracuse), Guido Imbens (Harvard University) and José María Labeaga (UNED and FEDEA) as well as professors Jaume Garcia and Sergi Jiménez-Martín, both from UPF and BarcelonaGSE

 Please check for further details about the BMiSS and the Barcelona Graduate School of economics.

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