October 1, 2008

For Those of You Interested in ECONOMICS OF NETWORK I’d like to recommend the following seminar.

IGIER seminar, University Bocconi- Milano

Tuesday October 14
Andrea GALEOTTI (University of Essex)
Network Games” joint with S. Goyal, M. O. Jackson, F. Vega-Redondo and L. Yarivk

Happy New Year’s Eve…

September 26, 2008

Hallo world,

I’m posting this message not only because I want to (warmly) welcome the opening new “doctoral year” but  to renew the interest in building together the experience of a blog at DSE.

I know that during the last year we didn’t use it so much. Nevertheless, I think it is worth to remind you (and to inform new coming students) that bomics is still here and is ready for those of you willing to use it.

Yet Another Economic Blog

March 3, 2008

I would like to suggest a very nice economics blog.

by Michael Greinecker

I’ve found the last post on the Inequality Aversion Debate particularly interesting… http://yetanothersheep.blogspot.com/2008/01/debate-between-shaked-and-fehrschmidt.html#links


Lecture notes available online

February 27, 2008

The web site EconPhd.net

has published an interesting set of lecture notes on the following subjects:

Microeconomics Mathematics Macroeconomics Econometrics Software Tutorials

 link: www.econphd.net/notes.htm

Barcelona Microeconometrics Summer-school

February 21, 2008

here the direct announcement:

Dear friends,
I’m glad to announce you the 1st forthcoming BARCELONA MICROECONOMETRICS SUMMER SCHOOL (BMiSS) to be held in Barcelona next 30 June-11 July. The school offers four 10 to 15 hours (including practical sessions) courses: Linear Panel Data Modes, Discrete Choice models; Causal Inference and Program Evaluation, and, Dynamic Panel Data models. The courses are intended for a very broad audience including Graduate students, practicioners, researchers, and consultants. Faculty includes invited professors Badi Baltagi (University of Siracuse), Guido Imbens (Harvard University) and José María Labeaga (UNED and FEDEA) as well as professors Jaume Garcia and Sergi Jiménez-Martín, both from UPF and BarcelonaGSE

 Please check http://www.barcelonagse.eu/BMiSS_2008.html for further details about the BMiSS and the Barcelona Graduate School of economics.

Second Internos Seminar – Francesco Manaresi

February 19, 2008

This is to announce the next Internos Seminar for PhD students:

on Thursday 21, from 01.00 to 2.00 pm, Francesco Manaresi will have a presentation with the title:

Do Italians get to the end of the month? An Inquiry into the Belpaese’s Monthly Consumption Cycle and its Evolution over Time

J. Heckman allerts: “The declining American high school graduation rate”

February 13, 2008

Official statistics for US high school graduation rates mask a growing educational divide. Heckman and Lafontaine columns on http://www.Voxeu.org present research showing that a record number of Americans are going to university – while an increasing number are dropping out of high school. This poses major social challenges for the United States.

look at the entire article: http://www.voxeu.org/index.php?q=node/930


Introducing a Global Database on Migrant Stocks

February 10, 2008
CEPR Policy Insight No. 17
by L Alan Winters
Migration matters and will matter more as the lopsidedness of the world age-profile works its way through into labour and product markets. Surprisingly, there has been no global dataset on migration stocks until now. CEPR Policy Insight No. 17 introduces a new database maintained at the University of Sussex.

Look: Cepr policy insight.pdf

2 Seminar on Behavioral Economics and Law

February 5, 2008

Dear all, 

 it is to advice the following two seminars organized by the European Doctorate in Law and Economics, in the field of Behavioral Law and Economics.

1) on February 06 at 15.30 in the common room. 

“Introduction to Experimental Economics: 1) experiments for law and economics I: social contract” lecturer: Prof. Marco Casari

2)  on Tuesday Feb. 26, at 10.00  in the common room

“Experiments for law and economics II: judicial rulings and market outcomes” lecturer: Prof. Marco Casari

Seminar Organized by the European Doctorate in Law and Economics

February 5, 2008

Dear all,

on Friday February 08th, at 14.30 in the common room of the Department of Economics, two students of the European Doctorate in Law and Ecoomics will be presenting:

“Seminar on EU Emissions Trading System and Flexible Kyoto Mechanisms”

lecturers: Stefano Clò – Alexander Vasa

The seminar will also mention the newly established exchange on allowances recently launched by NYSE.